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FAQ's About Rolf Structural Integration

Structural Integration

Structural Integration is a scientifically validated body therapy. Unlike massage, Structural Integration focuses not on the muscles but on their protective layer, called fascia (also known as connective tissue). Muscles are contracting tissues that give the body and organs physical movement. The fascia surrounds the muscles, bones and organs in the body. The fascia gives muscles their shape and the body its structure.

Structural Integration aligns and balances the body by lengthening and repositioning the fascia. As fascia is lengthened it allows the muscles to move more efficiently. The practitioner will apply pressure to the body, working the entire fascial system in a systematic way. When restricted fascia is released and lengthened the body can return to its structurally optimal position

The continuing pull of gravity, the stress of daily activities and physical injuries can pull the body out of alignment. The fascia gradually shortens, tightens and adjusts to accommodate the misalignment. When the body is out of alignment it creates inefficiency and imbalance resulting in stiffness, discomfort and loss of energy.

When a body is aligned and balanced it moves with greater ease. It requires less energy to function. Good posture is effortless and breathing is easier. The body becomes more flexible, more coordinated and athletic performance improves.

What will I experience in a Structural Integration session?

Structural Integration is performed in ten sessions. Each session is approximately one hour in length. It is preferable that the sessions are received, one per week for ten weeks in a row. The ten sessions are administered progressively; each session builds upon the last until complete integration of the body is achieved. The process of Structural Integration includes balancing the body in segments and achieving vertical alignment from balancing the body from front to back, side to side, top to bottom and inside to outside.

At the beginning of the first session the client completes a health questionnaire and spend some time speaking with their practitioner about the goals and intentions as applied to their unique situation and structure. Male clients receive work in underwear or swimsuit, women in two piece swimsuits or bra and underwear. The practitioner will observe the client, how they stand, walk and other general movements. In some cases a photograph or digital image may be taken if the client is interested in seeing before and after results. The specific goals of the session will be discussed. The client will lie on a massage table so the practitioner can work with their body. The client will participate in the session often being asked to breathe into the area being worked on or to make small, specific movements.

During the session the client may experience a warm, pleasant sensation from the area that the practitioner is working with. Some individuals do not experience any sensation while others may experience momentary discomfort. The practitioner will apply the appropriate pressure, based on the clients needs and feedback. During most of the sessions the practitioner will help the client to become aware of habitual patterns of movement and imbalances in their body and will help them work toward making changes in these patterns in their daily life.

After the basic ten series is complete a client usually allows a period of time for the body to adapt and fully integrate before scheduling additional work. The waiting period can be anywhere from one month to one year based on the client’s unique experience. After the waiting period the client can return for tune-up sessions or advanced sessions to further the process of integration. In some instances practitioners will work with clients in ongoing sessions to achieve specific goals

What are the benefits?

Structural Integration is a very personal process. It is important to remember that because no two people are alike, their experience and the benefits will never be exactly the same. As a result of the process people often appear taller and slimmer. Some actually gain anywhere from 1/4” to over 1 inch in height. Feelings of discomfort or pain are often alleviated. Other often experienced benefits are greater flexibility, a feeling of lightness and fluidity, better balance, increased breathing capacity, increased energy and greater self-confidence.

While Structural Integration is primarily concerned with physical changes in the body, it affects the whole person. We are made up of emotions, attitudes, belief systems and behavior patterns as well as the physical being. All are related. Align the physical structure and it will open up the individual’s potential. Clients often report positive changes, stating less stress, greater self-confidence and improved ability to handle life’s changes. Such changes have been reported in all age groups.

Does Structural Integration last?

YES! Photographs taken of clients years after the Basic Ten Series show that changes are still present and structure often improved. Keep in mind however, as life changes, bodies change in response. Any injuries, accidents, lengthy illnesses and emotional stress may necessitate additional work.

FAQ's About Rolf Structural Integration2020-11-13T15:36:52-08:00

"I Got Rolfed" Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak



Not only is “Rolfing” fun to say, but it helped me stand straighter, too

By Carli Cutchin

This article was published on 04.26.01.


I’d like to say that I tried Rolfing because of its vaunted effects on one’s posture, sense of balance and overall well-being. But I really got “Rolfed” because the name sounds so darn cool. That, and I’m a sucker for a good massage.Despite my goofy reasons for getting Rolfed, Rolfing is an advanced, intense kind of therapy that engages the patient at a deeper level than massage. It can improve mental and physical health, according to “advance certified Rolfer” David MacDonald.

I walked into MacDonald’s office at 4:30 p.m. and was met not with the usual office décor, but with ambient lighting, a small fountain and green leather couches. There was no one around.

“Hello?” I called meekly.

No answer. I took a seat on the plush couch and picked up a pamphlet called “Rolfing: Structural Integration.” It said Rolfing “specifically and systematically lengthens, reorganizes and re-educates connective tissue restrictions.”

I wondered if my tissue needed re- education.

The pamphlet also told me that “many people who expect or have heard Rolfing to be painful are surprising by the wide range of welcomed sensations, although at times there will be intensity of sensation.”

Interesting. Intensity of sensation?

After 10 minutes, MacDonald entered, shook my hand firmly and began to tell me how Rolfing works.

He explained that the body reflects our psychological and emotional problems. For instance, many individuals, particularly females, begin slouching in their early teens as a way of “apologizing for who they are.” Many people, MacDonald said, never stop slouching; they never get free from this self-apology, physically or mentally.

To put it another way: the body records what happens to us, both physically and in our heads. MacDonald said that a historical pattern is stored in our connective tissue system (the tissue that connects our muscles). Rolfing answers this problem by training the body to return to a normal, upright position, restoring one’s sense of balance.

After our chat, MacDonald began to work on my own connective tissue.

He took me into a tranquil, softly lit room with soothing music and had me lay down, wearing only my undies and bra, face-up, on a large, padded table.

Unlike a message therapist, who usually focuses on certain muscles and rubs them in a circular fashion, MacDonald moved his hands over my “connective tissue” in single, downward strokes, almost as if he were ironing me out. It was painful, especially when he got to my knotted muscles, but I breathed deeply and tried to detach myself from the pain. I began to feel sort of tingly and invigorated.

I did notice a difference in posture as soon as I got off the table; I instinctively stood up straighter, and I felt no tension or pain.

It’s been several days now since my Rolfing, and I haven’t really noticed any lasting effects. Granted, my session was only a half-hour, half the normal length. Ideally, an initial one-hour session is the first in a 10-part series, each focusing on a different area of the body.

I wouldn’t mind going back for a full session to see if Rolfing really can help me with tension, posture and balance problems. (I am awfully clumsy.) I suspect it can.

Rolfing, however, is not for the financially challenged.  And to those considering getting Rolfed, beware: It’s not for those who dislike “intensity of sensation” (i.e. moderate pain). Nor is it for the extremely modest.

Yet, from my limited experience with Rolfing, it seems that it could be good for those of us who have been carrying ourselves “wrong” for so long that we no longer even remember what a “correct” posture is.

And, of course, “I got Rolfed” is fun to say.

"I Got Rolfed" Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak2020-11-13T15:36:52-08:00

Of Grace and Gravity: Rolfers speak about Dr Rolf







Dr Ida Rolf was undoubtedly one of the most significant women of the twentieth century. A great mind and pioneering thinker, a creative scientist years ahead of her time, she spent much of her life exploring the human capacity for healing. Her education, professional career and life circumstances led her to explore various modalities that gradually evolved into what become known as “Structural Integration” and then took on the name “Rolfing.” Essentially, Rolfing seeks to address the development and liberation of an individual’s innate human potential, with the palliation of symptoms an ancillary benefit. Dr Rolf was initially educated and trained within the empiricism of scientific academia and remained firmly rooted in those traditions. Her work was founded upon the physics of aligning the human body within the field of gravity. She integrated her scientific perspective with mind-body awareness without relying on an eastern mystical philosophy to justify her conclusions. It is clear from her writings and teachings that her studies of biological chemistry and physics provided critical insight, inspiring such statements as, “You cannot change the energy field, but you can change the man–the body will go as far as it will physically go, within the laws of physics.” and “What would happen to behavior if you changed chemistry? The first way to change chemistry is to change physics.” Dr Rolf conceived of “Rolfing” as a gateway into making progressive changes within the human organism, encompassing the physical, intellectual and emotional aspects.

Ida Rolf: Of Grace and Gravity, will explore Dr Rolf’s life, work and legacy.

Of Grace and Gravity: Rolfers speak about Dr Rolf2020-11-13T15:36:52-08:00

The ART of Rolfing: Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak|head

The art of rolfing

9:00 PM, May 16, 2011
5/12/2011 Lorna Benedict is a certified advanced rolfer.  Rolfing is an intense body work treatment.


Ida Rolf created the 10-session Rolfing process that now is used internationally.

Lorne Johnson might be a cowboy who enjoys roping mustangs, but he has learned the value of taking care of his body and has seen positive results.

About 12 years ago, Johnson said the wear and tear of ranching had left him with such tight muscles that he considered practicing yoga.

“My body had been worked so hard and was so stiff that I needed some flexibility,” said Johnson, who owns Washoe Valley Ranch. “This is a rough and tumble lifestyle, and we don’t spend a lot of time taking care of our bodies. We wouldn’t want to be called sissies.”

Lorna Benedict, a certified advanced Rolfer and yoga instructor, suggested that Johnson try Rolfing instead of yoga.

Rolfing, also known as structural integration, is an intense type of body work that manipulates the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, which is called fascia.

The sometimes painful series of 10, 60-minute sessions reshaped Johnson’s body.

“After my Rolfing, my thighs and calves doubled in size because they were able to get complete range of motion, and the muscle was able to be fully utilized,” he said. “No more bird legs.”

Those who want command of their body — such as athletes, entertainers and members of the military — regularly use Rolfing, Benedict said.

“You can just almost bet your money that anyone who is in serious entertainment has been Rolfed,” she said. “Also, you can almost bet that anyone who is a high-level CEO has been Rolfed.”

Rick Meier, a marathon runner who was Rolfed 15 years ago, said it improved his speed.

“Rolfing has been able to keep me in correct alignment so I can run efficiently,” the 58-year-old optometrist said.

Now, he said he sees Benedict when he needs a “tune-up.” If fact, Meier said he needed her help preparing for this year’s Boston Marathon after injuring himself.

“I torqued my left hip,” he said. “With Lorna’s help, I was able to reposition my pelvis so I could run in April. It’s not a Swedish massage. This is for changing performance. It has changed how I run.”

Rolfing was created by Ida Rolf, a biochemist who also studied homeopathic medicine in the late 1920’s.

She recognized that the body is a system of seamless networks of tissues rather than a collection of separate parts. These connective tissues surround, support and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs.

Because of poor posture, injury, illness or even emotional trauma, the body becomes misaligned as the fascia adheres to the muscles and the muscles no longer move smoothly. Rolf devised a 10-step order, which is trademarked, for working the body.

“I have no idea how she figured out the order to work,” Benedict said. “It really helps if we do it in that order.

“That particular order just works.”

While massage focuses on the muscles and chiropractics concentrates on the bones, Rolfing reshapes the fascia.

“Rolfing is trying to bring balance into the structure,” Benedict said. “We are creating spaciousness that the body has lost through trauma, accident, surgeries and also the aging process. So, we’re reclaiming the territory. They’re going to be taller. They’re going to be experiencing space. Whatever their complaints are will be eased off and won’t be coming back. I don’t need to see them again and certainly not within a year.”

Jane Rubinstein of Reno had heard about the benefits of Rolfing and said she decided to do it 10 years ago because she wanted her body to be in the best possible balance.

“There is a sequence where she worked on my rib cage, and I remember standing up thinking, ‘Wow, I’m really spaced out because everything seems much smaller,'” she said.

During a doctor’s visit after her Rolfing sessions, Rubinstein said her doctor told her she had grown taller by ¾ of an inch.

“I’ve been 5 feet 4 and ¾ inches since the eighth grade,” she said. “I know that’s when it happened.”

Benedict said she loves to see how Rolfing changes her client’s lives.

“They have quit the job, gotten into a different relationship, moved to another place,” she said. “They have blossomed. I’m more excited about seeing the evolution of the spirit. For me, this is opening the door to their potential possibilities.”

The ART of Rolfing: Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak2020-11-13T15:36:53-08:00

Rolfing: Integration and Balance :Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak

“Rolfing is not primarily a psycho-therapeutic approach to the problems of humans,
but the effect it has had on the human psyche has been so noteworthy that many people insist on so regarding it.
Rolfing is an approach to the personality through the myofascial collagen components of the physical body.
It integrates and balances the so-called “other bodies” of man, metaphysically described as astral and etheric,
now more modernly designated as the psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.”

Dr. Ida P. Rolf

Rolfing: Integration and Balance :Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak2020-11-13T15:36:53-08:00

Dr Rolf Quote: Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak

So many therapists are striking at the pattern of disease, instead of supporting the pattern of health. One of the things that you as Rolfers must always emphasize is that you are not practitioners curing disease; you are practitioners invoking health. Invocation is possible by an understanding of what the pattern is, the structural pattern of health.”  Dr. Ida P. Rolf

Dr Rolf Quote: Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak2020-11-13T15:36:53-08:00

Dancers and Rolfing – Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak

Dancers and Rolfing

MARIA F. — Dancer, member of Modern Dance Company

This article appears in the book Rolfing – Stories of Personal Empowerment, by Briah Anson

I’m in the Susan Warden Dance Company. Everyone else in the company has been Rolfed and used to tease me and ask when I was going to get Rolfed. I was looking forward to it because of the changes I saw in the other dancers’ bodies. Linda’s chest really opened up and seemed to grow. She was better able to hold her shoulders back and they too became larger. At the same time, her arms got stronger.

The dancer is always struggling with the chest, fighting to lift the sternum and pull the shoulders back. It always seemed so difficult, something you had to hold in or push out or manipulate to get that lifted stance. Suddenly Linda was standing taller without manipulating her torso.

I felt the enhanced posture would make it easier to dance because I would no longer have to concentrate on it. I would already be lifted and spread throughout the shoulders and more relaxed.

I noticed that when Karen was Rolfed her legs became longer, less bowed, and she was more sure footed. Her chest got broadened and her back was more relaxed and bigger.

With David there was a new refinement and suppleness in his dancing as well as more subtlety. He always had very high arches which caused his feet to pound the floor audibly when he ran. He had beautiful feet and Rolfing softened his arches. He could run, jump and land noiselessly because his arches were more balanced.

The first session instantly gave me what I was most interested in, a lifted chest. Everything seemed to lighten up without my having to use my muscles to lift my chest. All the work in the centre of my rib cage allowed my chest to expand, and I worked on breathing deeper, taller and wider.

I used to sleep curled up, because if I slept flat, I would wake up in the morning with an aching back. Now I can wake up flat on my back or my stomach and my lower back is not aching. Dancing is my daily life. I teach or rehearse or perform. The physical changes from Rolfing have increased my confidence as a dancer which carries over into my confidence as a teacher. I’m able to trust myself to teach correctly because I can see it in my body. Dancers train their eyes to see dance and movement, and what I see reinforces what I’m feeling. My students can see it too.

One of my students has also been Rolfed. She’s a masseuse and dances for physical exercise. I’m able to help her integrate her Rolfing even though she did it several years ago, because I am able to show her the placement of her upper body, her shoulder girdle and her arms when she’s dancing. We discovered one day in jazz class that she had been pressing her shoulders down in front of her rib cage and that it was giving her cramps in her arms.

I’ve been with the Susan Warden Dance Company for the past four years Susan always does work on the floor that uses the arms, such as pratfalls — where you fall and catch yourself with your arms, and handstands. This year my arms look stronger because of the Rolfing. I feel like they are getting bigger and releasing more energy when I work.

In the profile photographs taken before Rolfing, my shoulder girdle and upper arms seem to drop forward. The After pictures show my head up, shoulders square and the arms dropping directly down rather than to the front. My legs appear longer and lifted. My knees and ankles are in a straight line. My entire back and neck are longer. My right hip, which looked higher than the left before, is now down and more rounded while my left shoulder is opened back and on the same plane as the right shoulder.

My eyes look out of my head differently. Before, I looked up to look out and now I’m looking straight out. My whole body is centred, and I look as if I’m really stretched through space even though I’m just standing.

Being a dancer, I watch my body very closely and have noticed many changes due to Rolfing. My dimensions from side to side, top to bottom and front to back are more in line. Because I am more relaxed, that alignment has been much easier to achieve. This has made a big difference, especially in ballet class which used to be such a struggle for me.

During Rolfing, my body always called out for the next session. Something would start to hurt and Briah would say, “That’s what we’ll be working on next week.” I think my body was eagerly awaiting those adjustments and dancing became more challenging and rewarding.

The Rolfing also helped me adjust to some emotional changes — to resolve the residual feelings of fear I still had in my body. I don’t feel like I’m vulnerable to those any more. During the seventh and eighth sessions I pulled something in my inner thigh and shoulder, and it seemed like everything hurt. I’d been dancing a lot. We had a big performance coming up, and I didn’t want to feel like this. I couldn’t even turn my head to the left. After the eight and ninth session, I felt so much better. The eighth session was on my hips and legs, and it released the pressure on my back and gave me vitality. The ninth session released the pull in my back and lifted me up. The discomfort was gone!

Rolfing is a sort of maintenance for dancers because they use their bodies so much. I think pain is experienced before an injury and being Rolfed right at that time can realign and release all those places that are tense and pulling so that injuries don’t get worse.

As a teacher, I can observe a student’s body structure and be able to predict when they’re likely to have injuries. I can see the places where they are limiting their dance and movement and can help them become aware of these “holding” places and the interrelationship that takes place when the rest of the body has to compensate for the symptoms of weaker areas.

I discovered this interrelationship through Rolfing and am now beginning to work on the cause of a weak area rather than the symptoms.

I now have a better ability to talk about alignment and the proper placement of the hips or direction of energy that the body should take or support it. This heightened awareness of my own alignment has been helpful in working with my students.

The members of the dance company are still integrating the changes from Rolfing. Each individual opened up and changed. And as we’ve all released and broadened, we’ve come to a better understanding of each other. After the Rolfing, we can go back and dance and work better as a group.

This is especially important in contact improvisation, which depends on knowing the people you’re working with and being able to trust them. Being extremely sensitive to the quality of the contact and support builds a network or mesh. The more the group works together, the more woven and secure the mesh becomes. This security allows each individual to take more risks, which causes the performance to be more exciting and spontaneous. Incredible things can happen within this mesh.

Karen and I were talking the other day about how, as you work with other people, you are always reweaving that fabric, reweaving, reinforcing, and reconnecting. When we’re away over the summer or when the group forms again, we have to reconnect, reattach, refamiliarize ourselves with each other and open up to the new things we each have to offer. We’re continually reweaving that fabric and making it stronger.


This article appears in the book Rolfing – Stories of Personal Empowerment, by Briah Anson

I’ve always been interested in Rolfing, and when Linda came into dance rehearsal one day and said she was going to get Rolfed, I thought, “Wow, that’s wonderful.” Then she mentioned that Briah was interested in Rolfing the entire dance company, and I thought that would be great.

When I went into Rolfing, I was hoping it would make me feel taller and more alive. I also wanted to get my legs straightened out because they were really bowed which made me look funny when I was dancing. I was sure Rolfing would help.

When I was little, I was pigeon-toed and in corrective shoes until I was four or five. Now when I stand, the weight is distributed evenly on my feet rather than falling to the outside. It’s interesting trying to get used to the feeling that everything is centred. I’ll be doing something like brushing my teeth and can’t believe that I’m completely balanced on my feet.

I’ve also noticed that when I put on a pair of shoes I haven’t had on for a while, they feel really uncomfortable because of the way they’ve been worn on the heel. Now I feel as if I need to get new heels on all my shoes.

My legs feel a lot straighter and make much nicer lines when I dance. I’m much happier about the way they look. There is also much more open space in my shoulders and arms and more range of motion than I ever noticed before. I used to feel as if I had blockage points that didn’t allow me to express myself as much as I could have. Now I feel these points releasing and am hoping my legs will become more unblocked in time. It’s just going to take a while because of all the “warping.” There was always a kind of space between my legs that bothered me because I thought there was nothing I could do about it.

Then I discovered Rolfing and my legs did change. I would never have thought it was possible. Even if I lost ten pounds, it would not have made my legs look any different. But Rolfing did.

I think everyone should be Rolfed. I wish my whole family, especially my dad, could be Rolfed. As a matter of fact, I think everyone should try it.

Linda, who is the ballet instructor of the dance company, has mentioned how much she thinks my legs have improved and that my torso is so much more open and in line with my body. I feel I have so much more space to breathe with now and that’s an eye opener.

I don’t think I ever really thought of this before, but I remember times when my brothers and sisters would make me so angry I would hold my breath until I turned blue. It’s funny to make that connection now but I’m sure that must have a lot to do with my breathing.

I have also noticed that I have more stamina for dancing. I’m not as wiped out. Doing three or four pieces used to take a lot of energy. The difference after Rolfing is really apparent to me in terms of the increase in both my mental and physical energy level.

There have been so many changes in the way my body reacts. I remember after the first session I went to the movies and that the movie seat was not hitting my back right. I was really uncomfortable. I also used to walk around with my head down, but that’s not comfortable for me any more either. So I’ve been changing that and feeling more open to the world. I’m having fun going out and re-experiencing walking — just the simple thing of walking down the street and what it feels like.

Dancers and Rolfing – Posted by Lesa Sol Pensak2020-11-13T15:36:53-08:00

Being Healthy Is A Revolutionary Act!

Being Healthy Is a Revolutionary Act: Renegade Perspectives for Thriving in a Mixed-Up World

By Pilar Gerasimo / January-February 2011

You Want to Be Healthy?
Well, hey, that’s wonderful!

This article is designed to help you succeed. It will equip you with a clarifying sense of what you are up against and prepare you for the journey ahead.

And if you’re feeling a little ambivalent about getting started, it will also give you a friendly kick in the pants. That’s important, because getting and staying healthy in the current culture isn’t easy. In fact, it’s a big challenge.

But who, you ask, has the time and energy for another big challenge?

Exactly. Most of us are running around on fumes.

We complain that we don’t have time to eat right or exercise or get enough sleep. We don’t have time to cook or relax or goof around. We don’t have time to get outdoors or connect with the people we love. Most of all, we don’t have time to learn how our bodies work and what it takes to keep them healthy.

And that’s a big part of why so many of us are getting sick. And fat. And depressed. And why we see so many friends and loved ones being diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Understandably, faced with the daunting prospect of changing our lives, most of us would just as soon put it off until tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next.

And that’s precisely what about 80 percent of the U.S. population is doing right now. You can join them, watching as the pounds pile on, worrying as the blood pressure climbs, struggling as the energy flags, and fretting as the prescriptions and side effects and medical bills add up. And when things get bad enough, then you can think about changing.

Or, you can spare yourself years of downward spiraling misery and do something about it now.

If you’ve already set out on the path to health, or if you’re already as vital and fit as you want to be, rock on! You deserve a lot of credit — probably far more than you’ve been giving yourself.

And if you’ve been struggling in your attempts to get healthier, don’t beat yourself up about it. Let go of the self-recrimination for a minute. Prepare, instead, to take a clear-eyed look at the uphill battle you’ve been waging, and at why your successes may seem so hard won.

Some of what you’re about to read may alarm you, but it will also embolden and empower you. It will help you think differently about your efforts to create healthy change, and why they matter even more than you realized. It will nudge you to take a more proactive role in reclaiming and defending your health. And it will leave you charged up to blast through any obstacles that might lie ahead.

And since we’re talking about a revolution here, there’s even a manifesto at the end.

A Crowded Crisis

If you’ve been frustrated by how challenging it is to get and stay healthy, know that you are by no means alone. The fact is, over the past few decades, good health and fitness have gradually become the exception, rather than the norm.

We live in a society that makes being unhealthy frighteningly easy. An overabundance of processed foods and chronic stress, a lack of opportunity to be active, and an overreliance on prescription drugs are primarily to blame. But so is our tendency to go with the flow, to willingly abdicate responsibility for our health, and to let it be taken from us without nearly enough fight.

Here’s a quick state of the union:

• More than two-thirds of the U.S. population is currently overweight or obese.
• Only 26 percent of us eat anything close to the five servings of vegetables and fruits considered essential for decent health — and a far tinier fraction get the six to nine servings recommended for optimal     well-being.
• Only about 30 percent of Americans report getting any kind of regular exercise. Studies suggest that fewer than 10 percent get daily exercise.
• About one in two adult Americans suffers from at least one chronic illness.
• More than half of U.S. adults are on one or more prescription drugs at any given time.
• The percentage of U.S. children and adolescents with chronic health conditions has nearly quadrupled in the past 40 years, from 1.8 percent in 1960 to 7 percent in 2004.
• One out of two men, and one out of three women, will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes.
• In terms of overall well-being and life satisfaction, recent psychological research by Barbara Fredrickson, PhD, et al., shows only about 20 percent are thriving. The remaining 80 percent appear to be just getting by, or “living lives of quiet despair.”

The upshot here: If you are healthy, fit and thriving, you are squarely in the minority. But there’s some encouraging news here, too. Because if you are actively and successfully defending your health in the face of the aforementioned statistics, you represent a powerful, hopeful movement that’s just gathering steam. You’re beating the odds. You’re one of a growing number of health-motivated renegades proving that a healthier existence is worth working for, and not beyond reach.

You are the resistance
. And your ranks are destined to grow.

Together We Stand

In many ways, health is our first freedom. It allows us to go where we want and do what we like. It allows us to enjoy the full benefits of our independence and to embrace our associated responsibilities.
So when our health is being undermined or put at mass risk like it is now, that’s a big deal — for all of us.

We’ve been encouraged to think about health almost exclusively as a personal, individual issue. And, of course, it is personal. But our health is also a collective issue.

The biggest health challenges we face now are in large part the product of societal norms and social dynamics. Think about it: You can easily find fries, chips, candy or fast food almost anywhere, but you have to make a concerted effort or special trip to find something healthy. It’s considered perfectly normal to be served doughnuts and pizza at work, to keep a soda on your desk, to spend most of the day seated, and then come home to spend a couple more hours on the couch watching TV or surfing the Web — and to eat and drink while you do that, too.

These behaviors weren’t always considered normal, nor are they considered normal in many parts of the world today. And we don’t have to accept them as normal, either. But we do have to take a stand.

Each of us either strengthens or upsets unhealthy social norms by virtue of our own daily behaviors. Diabolical marketing strategies and addictive ingredients notwithstanding, it was consumers’ willingness to embrace cigarettes, sodas and supersized portions that gave those unhealthy trends such lasting legs. Thankfully, popular demand has also driven the more recent and hopeful growth of organics, local foods and yoga — all against considerable odds.

The point is, our personal choices are influenced heavily by our environment, but when we’re insistent enough, in big enough numbers, we can also apply pressure to change the norms we don’t like. Which means, if we’re willing to wake up and see our collective crisis for what it is, we can work together to turn it around.

And if we don’t? Well, here’s a cautionary tale: During the age of the Roman Empire, the ruling class figured out that the easiest way to keep control of the masses was to provide them with cheap food (grain for bread) and wildly distracting entertainments (circus and gladiator acts). Thus appeased by bread and circuses, the people didn’t seem to notice that their individual rights and liberties were being usurped. They couldn’t summon the will or focus to rise up in protest and reclaim their power.

It seems that something similar has happened to us. Over the past few decades, we’ve been so appeased, entertained, indulged and anesthetized by health-diminishing products and distracting media that we’ve lost track of how much we’ve given up in the bargain. We’ve lost all sense of how much we’re paying for the privilege of remaining overfed and comfortably numb — and how much our ill health is causing us to sacrifice as individuals, families and communities. It’s time we shook ourselves out of this stupor.

One of the first things we need to do is become more responsible stewards of our own well-being. We can’t ignore our health problems for months and years on end; we can’t keep settling for prescriptions that suppress or mask our symptoms without addressing the root causes of those problems.

If you go to the doctor with a lifestyle-related complaint, he or she may tell you to lose weight, eat better, stress less or exercise more. But a lot of doctors won’t — or can’t — explain how, in part because most receive little to no training in nutrition, exercise, lifestyle interventions or behavior change. And in part because it’s not advice they themselves are willing to follow.

Plus, most docs have less than 20 minutes to spend per visit, and there’s usually not a whole lot they can do in that time. So they write prescriptions they hope will at least alleviate some of our symptoms, and they send us on our way.

It’s estimated that more than 90 percent of doctors’ office visits are lifestyle- and stress-related — yet more than 73 percent of those visits result in medication. And with that medication in hand, a lot of us figure we can put off making any actual life changes for that much longer, until we find we need another drug, or surgery, or worse.

The Cost of Barely Living

The two most common rebuttals to the suggestion that we begin taking better care of ourselves are: One, it’s too expensive, and two, we don’t have time. But the time and money we are spending on being in poor health right now is so extravagant, it’s unimaginable that reallocating a good chunk of it toward health-supporting activities could do us anything but good.

Take what we’re spending now for a lifetime of ineffective healthcare and inflated health-insurance costs, and a whole lot of us could easily buy organic groceries, gym memberships, yoga classes, cooking classes, health-coaching sessions and weekly massages and still have money left over for preventive care and catastrophic medical coverage. Take the hours we waste in a state of low energy, depleted vitality and illness, and we could easily recoup the time we need to exercise, cook, meditate and enjoy other health-supporting activities for hours each day.

Obviously, there’s no easy, practical way to make that happen en masse — and for many, real socioeconomic limitations put such choices well out of reach. But for those of us who do have the option of reallocating even a little time and money toward simple investments in our well-being, there’s no doubt that such a rejiggering of personal priorities makes very good sense. Even if it means living in a smaller house, driving a less expensive car, eating out less often or budgeting our disposable income more thoughtfully.

Hard pressed to believe that investing so much in self-care could possibly pay off? Consider for a moment what we are spending now and what we’re getting in return:

• The fiscal costs of coping with chronic lifestyle-related diseases currently absorb about 75 percent of our total healthcare spending and about 12 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product.
• Experts predict that in less than two decades, more than 85 percent of our population will be considered overweight or obese, with one in every six healthcare dollars spent on costs directly related to that epidemic.
• Within the next 25 years, the incidence of diabetes is projected to double — and costs to triple. The CDC now estimates that by 2050 one in three U.S. adults (100 million of us) will suffer from this disease.
• In 2009, annual healthcare costs for a family of four were about $33,000, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and these costs are projected to double in the next several years.
• Chronic-disease-related losses in productivity from absenteeism and “presentee-ism” (people coming to work but not being capable, energized or focused enough to do good work) are even more staggering: Many experts estimate they are triple the direct medical costs.

All that’s scary, but what’s even more disturbing is that as long as we’re investing vast sums of money in ineffective healthcare and associated wastage, we can’t invest it more productively anywhere else — like in education, infrastructure, renewable energy, economic development or quality of life. Which is why billionaire investor Warren Buffett likens our country’s healthcare spending to “a tapeworm eating at our economic body.”

This is one hungry worm. A 2007 study by the Center for Health Care Economics at the Milken Institute found  that treatment costs for seven chronic diseases — including cancers, mental illnesses, heart disease, lung conditions, hypertension, stroke and diabetes — ran to nearly $280 billion in 2003.

The same study estimated total annual costs at $1.3 trillion, and projected those costs to rise to more than $4 trillion by 2023. And keep in mind, none of the current expenditures assumes that any of those diseases are actually being cured or prevented in any way. Four trillion is just the projected cost of coping.

Just by way of comparison, this year’s projected federal budget deficit is just over $1 trillion. Given how much economic worry, debate and gnashing of teeth that number causes, what kind of impact do you think $4 trillion in mostly ineffective annual medical spending might have on us as a nation, and as a culture? More to the point, what kind of impact might it have on your own life choices and the lives of the people you love?

Unless we want to find out the hard way, it’s time to start turning those projections around.

Renegades Wanted

Look, if getting healthy in our culture were easy, everyone would be doing it. And, clearly, everyone is not.

That’s why, in many ways, pursuing a healthy lifestyle amounts to a revolutionary act. It’s going to take learning new skills and confronting old habits. It’s going to take wading into unfamiliar territory and figuring out a whole new way of living — from the foods you eat and the places you go, to the way you manage your time and the way you relate to the healthcare system.

It can be done, though, and there’s nothing more worth doing. Because when you change your health, you change your life, and the lives of everyone around you, for the better. You free yourself up to be, do and share so much more than you otherwise could. You experience more energy, positivity and exhilaration. You naturally become more inspired and empowered to give your best gifts — the ones the world needs most right now.

It’s going to take a lot of healthy, hopeful, high-vitality people to create healthy families, workplaces and communities. It’s going to take healthy people to come up with new ideas, to explore new possibilities, and to speak out against what’s not working.

Ultimately, it’s going to take a whole lot of healthy people to shift our culture in ways that make it easier for everybody to get and stay healthy for the long haul.

Maybe you’re already one of those healthy people. Maybe you’re becoming one. Or maybe you’re just beginning to think about it. That’s all good. We need every warm-bodied, health-motivated individual we can get.

Sure, it would be nice if some giant “they” got together and fixed this mess for us. But that’s not going to happen. We are going to have to fix it ourselves, one person, one family, one community, one daily choice at a time.

Frank Talk About Real Change

“Just tell me how!” you say. “Show me the program!”

But here’s the thing: Most of us already know the essentials of what we need to be doing differently. More whole foods, fewer processed ones. More water, less soda. More activity, less sitting around. More rest and relaxation, less stress.

We’re just having trouble pulling it off. We’re missing the skills and support. We’re discouraged by previous attempts that got us nowhere. We’re afraid we’re going to miss out on fun, freedom, comfort and pleasure. We have to search too long and too hard for healthier alternatives. We’re overwhelmed by the challenge of changing our lives.

And then there’s the fact that a lot of the advice we’ve been given — about calories, carbs, fats, serving sizes and recommended daily allowances — has been incomplete, misguided and, in many cases, dead wrong.

A revolving door between industry and governmental organizations has undermined the credibility of official guidelines and recommendations. Then the media has reported this inaccurate information, repeating it until it sounds like scientific gospel, when it absolutely is not.

As the result of such misguided advice, a lot of well-intentioned people have exhausted themselves trying to solve their problems in ways (like dieting) that offer little hope of success. They’ve become demoralized, frustrated, confused.

No good has come from this. So let’s just put it behind us and start over fresh.

Take a deep breath. Know that there’s no one-size-fits-all program for life change. You don’t have to do everything all at once, and if something genuinely doesn’t work for you, you don’t have to do it at all.
Figuring out what helps your body operate at its very best generally requires some research and refinement, some trial and error. The sooner you start experimenting in earnest, though, the sooner you’ll discover your personal feel-good formula for success.

It starts with understanding some basic things about how your body works and why it needs what it needs. It starts with challenging the assumptions, beliefs and habits that have led you to shortchange your health and fitness up until now. It starts with trying on a few healthier choices, and then a few more. And frankly, it never, ever stops.

But it does get easier, more fun and more rewarding every step of the way. So much so that, at a certain point, you can’t imagine going back.

That’s a strangely well-kept secret. So much of what we see, hear and read about getting healthy would have you believe that exercise is odious, that healthy foods are bland and tasteless, that making healthy choices on a daily basis is a joyless, stoic slog. Nothing could be further from the truth. At least, it doesn’t have to be. But people can’t know that until they experience the delights of healthy living for themselves.

The great news is, once you ease off on the stuff that’s bad for you and start loading up on the stuff that’s good for you, you won’t have to wait that long for results: Receptors on your tongue register within seconds that you’ve eaten something nutritious. Almost immediately, your cellular machinery kicks into action to make the best of it. Your genes take direction from every meal you eat. Within minutes of beginning to move your body, your brain activity, metabolism and biochemistry show marked changes.

True, many changes may take a little while to become visible. But within a week or two of eating, moving and sleeping more sensibly, you could feel like an entirely different person and have an entirely different outlook on life.

Within a few months, you could look better than you have in decades and be well on your way to becoming your best, most vibrant self.

So what are you waiting for?

Your Revolution Awaits

The term “revolution” is sometimes used loosely. But given the state of our collective health and fitness, no less than a revolution is going to get the job done.

Dictionaries define “revolution” as “a sudden or momentous change” and “a seizure of power brought about from within a given system.” Other popular definitions include “a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.”

That describes the kind of shift we need to create, and the redirection of human intention, power and priorities that healthy people everywhere are now beginning to set in motion.

How? By getting over our love affair with fast foods and sedentary entertainments. By learning to cook. By taking up active pastimes. By getting more rest. By connecting with health professionals who know something about supporting health, not just treating disease. By teaching our children about the miraculous bodies they were born into. By appreciating and honoring the bodies we are in. By making more thoughtful choices, by putting our money where our mouth is, and by doing a thousand other sensible things we’ve been putting off for way too long now.

If we do these things, we will change not just our bodies, but also our communities, economy, food system, healthcare system, our entire culture — and, ultimately, the world.

Of course, reclaiming our health will require not just changing our own lives, but also compelling our policymakers, business leaders, the medical system and other stakeholders to embrace new priorities, even though they may be strongly inclined — by money, convention or fear of rocking the boat — to keep on doing business as usual.

Fortunately, we don’t have to wait for them to get with the program. We can kick off this healthy revolution ourselves, simply by deciding what kind of lives we want to lead, and what we’re willing to do to make them happen.

Perhaps, eventually, those other powers-that-be will take the hint. Meanwhile, if we’re going to do this without getting worn down and discouraged, we need to stay strong. We need to keep our eyes on the prize. We need to connect with others who care about it as much as we do.

There’s strength in numbers. So choose your course, invite your friends, and let’s set this revolution in motion.

Pilar Gerasimo is the editor in chief of Experience Life

Being Healthy Is A Revolutionary Act!2020-11-13T15:36:53-08:00
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