*Lesa Pensak is featured in the article*


Tim Thackery, the 2000, US National Taekwondo champion (flyweight division) started receiving Structural Integration sessions at the age of 13. Now at age 21 he still receives regular “maintenance sessions,” and the “ten-series” every other year. Tim states, “Structural Integration has given me a better presence than my competition. My posture has dramatically improved. My stance is firm. Not only has Structural Integration given me a mental advantage, it has increased my breathing capacity, improved my range of motion and I am more flexible. These are all qualities critical to becoming a winner in the Taekwondo sport.”

Alex O’Brien became a professional tennis player in 1992. In the year 2000 he was ranked #1 in the world in doubles. Alex has been receiving Structural Integration work for the past two years. He states, “after Structural Integration my body seemed more at ease, my serve was stronger, I had improved range of motion, I had increased agility and I used less energy getting to the ball- it was incredible.”

Kirk Apt is an Ultra-marathon trail runner. Kirk received his first “ten-series” over five years ago and has continued with regular quarterly sessions. “Structural Integration has really improved my running. I have become a more efficient runner and have increased my endurance,” Kirk says. “Structural Integration improves breathing capacity, which is critical to a runner. Also, Structural Integration improves alignment and balance of the body. The result is a smoother, less injury prone running form.”

Hunter Allen is a former professional cyclist. He raced for over 17 years internationally and in the US, achieving over 40 victories throughout his career. In 1996 he retired as a professional cyclist and started Peaks Endurance Coaching. Hunter pursued Structural Integration to address his tight hamstrings and calf muscles, a tight IT band and internal shoulder rotation. “There was an incredible amount of change in my muscles, they became more supple, less sore and didn’t fatigue as quickly.” says, Hunter. “I recommend Structural Integration to cyclists because it helps them to make changes in their body and ultimately improve their form.”

Sarah Wills has won eight gold medals in the Paralympics and is scheduled to compete in the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. She is the most successful disabled ski-racer in the world. She started receiving Structural Integration sessions as part of her rehabilitation. She states, “ Structural Integration enabled me to build more muscle, stretch easier, sit straighter and helped to maximize my workouts. Since skiing deals so much with balance and the forces of gravity, Structural Integration compliments the sport well.”

Brian Orser, World Champion Figure Skater and Choreographer says, “ After my Structural Integration sessions it was great to experience total effortlessness and lightness, but at the same time feel compact and totally in control. I had increased energy, and skating took less effort. I found I had extra agility. My balance was better when doing turns on the ice.”

Lesa Pensak is a Certified ski-racing coach and a Level 3 Ski School Technical Supervisor in Telluride, Colorado. She turned to Structural Integration after a serious car accident left her unable to ski and in pain. She pursued many types of therapies and it wasn’t until she tried Structural Integration that her body began to heal. She was back on skis a year later training with the Austrian National Ski team as a ski-racer. Lesa states, “Balance is the key ingredient to good skiing. A skier needs to develop a strong, balanced stance and flexibility that allows them to deal with constant changes in snow conditions, speed, direction, pressure and edging. Structural Integration can help a skier accomplish these attributes.”

Lynn Acchione is a marathon runner residing in California. Structural Integration helped her to heal a nagging running injury. She states, “A physical therapist told me to look into Structural Integration to heal a long time running injury. I had tried several other therapies but they only provided temporary results. Structural Integration keeps my body aligned, preventing injury by not allowing my body to make compensations due to misalignment. It has improved my flexibility and keeps my hips loose, which increases endurance and speed. I have finally gone over a year without any running injuries!”

Dr. Mary Kay Brewster
is an OB GYN, Medical Doctor in Carmel, California. She tried Structural Integration to alleviate low back pain and sciatica. She states, “I was in pain 90% of the time and now I am pain free. Everyday I recommend Structural Integration to friends, family, colleagues and patients.”

Dr. Irene Grant is an Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease Specialist in New York City. She is currently on the teaching faculty at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at New York Medical College.
She had a very bad whiplash injury when she was a child, which created problems in her neck, similar to scoliosis. An Osteopath referred her to Structural Integration. Irene says, “After ten sessions I noticed that my posture improved, my chronic neck pain was significantly relieved, and I had much more energy. Further treatments brought progressive freedom. I experienced major changes. The most amazing thing is that I am now pain free.”
Irene has been receiving Structural Integration sessions now weekly, for the past two and a half years. “I am very impressed with Structural Integration and have referred a lot of patients to Structural Integration, including Scoliosis patients. Structural Integration is a wonderful method that can rehabilitate and reverse injuries.”

Judy Logan
heard about Structural Integration from several friends who had experienced the work and had spoken highly of it. She started receiving SI sessions to deal with the pain in her body from arthritis. “Structural Integration far exceeded my expectations,” says Judy. I now experience less pain when I exercise and feel more coordinated and physically capable. The major change for me was the sensation of being at home in my body, not seeing it as the enemy, but as the home of my spirit. Rather than angrily walking around in a prison of pain I began honoring my body and caring for it in a new and more responsible way.

Melvin Kaplan had pain in his right hip and leg. “ Before the Structural Integration body work I was physically tense and tight. After several sessions my body began to relax. The relaxation positively affected my mental abilities as well as my physical abilities.” Melvin is a Real Estate Investor and Founder of a non-profit organization in Carmel, California.

Jean Paul Patenaude received his first Structural Integration session in fall of 1994 and continued his sessions for six months thereafter. In 1985, Jean Paul had injured his body while roller skating, ending up with a fractured hip, shattered femur and a fractured wrist. For the next eight years even with several visits to the chiropractors he continued to have constant back pain. “After my Structural Integration sessions my back pain was gone, I breathed with greater ease and I felt much better. I began to feel like my old self again”
Two years later Jean Paul and his wife continue to return for ‘upkeep sessions’. “We are most thankful for what Structural Integration has done for us. I have referred other colleagues to our SI practitioner and after their treatment their reaction is as positive as mine. Structural Integration should be recognized for the great benefits that it could provide so many people.”

*Rolf, I.P., Rolfing. The Integration of Human Structure, Dennis Landman, 1977. (This is required reading for GSI’s Prerequisite Course and Basic Training.)

*R. Louis Schultz Ph.D. and Rosemary Feitis D.O., The Endless Web and Remembering Ida Rolf, North Atlantic Books, 1996.

*Bond, Mary, Balancing Your Body; A Self Help Approach to Rolfing Movement, Healing Arts Press, 1993

*Feitis, R., Ida Rolf Talks About Rolfing and Physical Reality. Harper and Row, 1978

*Foster, Maryann, Integrative Movement Systems, (Beginning Manual) This is an unpublished manuscript you can obtain directly from Ms. Foster: (303) 964-8532

*Heppe, Wilhelm Ferdinand, Structural Integration – Evolving Wholeness from the Core. 1990

*Anson, Briah, Rolfing: Stories of Personal Empowerment. North Atlantic Books, 1991

Schwind, Peter, Alles im Lot. Whilhelm Goldman, Munich, W. Germany, 1985

*Maupin, Edward W., Ph.D., The Structural Metaphor. IPSB, 1993

*Johnson, Will, Balance of Body/Balance of Mind (a Rolfer’s Vision of Buddhist Practice in the West) Humanics, 1993

*Anson, Briah, Growing Right With Rolfing. Video, 1996

Kolber – WilmKing, Anne, Children Are Special Cases. Video

* Denotes available from the Guild.